People Are Too Concerned With Getting Things And Spending Money

It is often said that people are too concerned with getting things and spending money. What is your opinion?

In today’s society, I think we are very privileged and often obsessed with buying new items and using money frivolously. Especially for us youths, where most of our parents are able to provide us with more than our basic necessities and allow us to lead comfortable, or even luxurious, lifestyles. This would cause us to subconsciously pursue a more indulgent lifestyle, where we spend more money on buying things. Therefore, I do believe that people are too concerned with getting things and spending money.

One main contributor to such a behaviour would be acceptance from society. We would want to be accepted by others and included in groups to gain a sense of belonging in our social circles. This prevents us from being judged or singled out for being different from others. For example, in Singapore, some schools appear to be more elitist where students who join such schools usually end up spending more money to fit in with their peers, by buying more luxurious accessories that are common to students in such schools. While fitting in materialistically is surely not a school or societal requirement, it is an unofficial rule by which teenagers and people are judged. Thus, people are fixated with obtaining things and spending money to gain validation from their social circles.

The second motive for such actions is to win the admiration of others. People strive to achieve this via trend-setting or becoming an influencer to flaunt their wealth, especially with flex culture. This term refers to the habit of people proving that they have what others do not have, and showing that they are leading better lives. One example of such actions is by an internet star, Mr Beast, who spends millions of dollars a month giving back to his followers through giveaways and money grabs. While his actions win netizens’ hearts for his appreciation and generosity towards his fans, he can have an ulterior motive of gaining admiration through spending large sums of money that people usually only dream of having. Therefore, people may spend money in such cases, simply to gain the approval of others.

People also are obsessed with getting things and spending money as a form of therapy, known as retail therapy. Such retail therapy can help people cope with the stresses of day-to-day life as it provides a channel to release stress. According to research, shopping helps our brains release endorphines and dopamine. The instant reward motivates us to want to re-experience the ‘rush’, resulting in an addiction to buying things and spending money. It also helps relaxes minds and blinds one from the world. Personally, I do indulge in the above to relieve the pressures of training to be the best at my sport. When I am stressed, I would go out to shop for shoes and clothes, and usually end up purchasing more shoes and clothes than I need. Therefore, I believe people are very concerned with getting things and spending money, as it is a form of therapy to improve their mental and emotional health.

To sum up, I feel that spending money on material things has become the norm for people in modern times, and for some, an obsession. With the development of world economies, there is likely no way to reverse this trend, but I believe with the general awareness of the need to plan for our future, we will surely be able to live more wisely than just blatant spending.

Written by: Kiran G. (Secondary 4)

People Are Too Concerned With Getting Things And Spending Money

It is often said that people are too concerned with getting things and spending money. What is your opinion?

My mother always told me that money is earned to be spent. From what I observe, this mentality is prevalent as people all around me, such as friends and family, are constantly tempted by attractive sales and promotions, and end up spending more than they should. Thus, I agree that people in modern society are too concerned with getting things and spending money.

In our society, there is a culture of consumerism. Many people are preoccupied with the acquisition of consumer goods, because of the temptation caused by persuasive advertising. These advertisements bombard us with attractive discounts, latest products and endless cashbacks, enticing us to spend dollar after dollar. For example, Shopee, a popular online shopping platform in Singapore, has endless promotions such as monthly sales and a neverending supply of discount vouchers. These rebates bait us into parting with our hard-earned money for something we may not need. I know of friends who are almost obsessed with shopping, and they almost always make a new purchase every day, just to take advantage of promotions and discounts. Therefore, consumerism have made us compulsive shoppers.

Societal trends are ever evolving, and many consumers are compelled to keep up with the trends in their bid to be perceived as up-to-date and trendy, or because of their fear of missing out. This results in a habitual desire to get newer products, from mobile phones to the latest fashion items, the moment they come out on the market. This develops into an obsession with buying and spending unnecessarily. For example, whenever a new iPhone model comes out, my cousin would always join the overnight queue to buy it. Even though his phone would still be working perfectly fine, he refuses to be left behind with an older model. Therefore, people are too concerned with spending money to keep up with the trends.

However some might say that with the awareness of modern citizens of the world about planning for their future, many of us undertake financial planning initiatives and are prudent about our expenditures. For example, I have been saving for my university tuition fees and expenditures in the future, as I am aware that higher education will become more and more expensive. As such, I believe many of us do not spend money freely without a care, but do consider their circumstances too. That being said, with the planning of savings comes also the planning of expenditures. It may be safe to say that people also plan to buy things that they want, and these may be big-ticket and extravagant items such as vacations or a new branded bag. Thus, while people are aware that they should save, they too end up spending a lot on their wants and desires.

To sum up, I believe that people are definitely concerned and sometimes obsessed with getting things and spending money, usually because they feel that they are saving from the discounts, or simply because they do not want to be left out of the flow of fashionable and in-the-know consumers. The way to keep spending in check is to properly plan our finances before we pull out our wallets.

Written by: Leng Yi Q. (Secondary 3)

Most Young People Today Are Obsessed With Fame And Imitating Celebrities

‘Most young people today are obsessed with fame and imitating celebrities.’ What are your views?

Youths being youths love to keep up with new trends formed by the celebrities they adore, increasing their popularity among friends and acquaintances since they mimic famous celebrities. Young people are always looking up to popular celebrities and personalities as people they can model themselves upon as icons of success. As celebrities’ lives get even more exposure on social media, youths are increasingly bombarded with the glamorous lifestyles of the rich and famous, thus increasing their likelihood of being obsessed with fame and fortune.

Social media gives a perception that glamorous lifestyles are the ideal. Through their lavish spending at restaurants and exclusive clothing boutiques, and overall high-end lifestyles that they display all over social media, spending millions with ease and comfort, acting like the money was coming out of the air, young people think that a glamorous lifestyle is cool and want to work towards it, which requires money that they do not have. Youths want this modus vivendi because they think these luxurious items would make them popular and therefore happy. This leads to an unhealthy obsession with celebrities’ glamorous lifestyles by conveying to young people that they can only be happy by living such extravagant lifestyles.

Flex culture also plays a part in youths‘ obsession with fame and imitating celebrities. This culture was created for youths to show off expensive and limited edition fashion pieces with a decent price tag. This makes them “popular” among their peers because they have the latest limited edition fashionables, making their friends envious of and looking up to them. For example, one of my friends likes to flaunt his extravagant birthday celebrations like how celebrities celebrate their birthdays. He feels very happy whenever people express admiration for his lifestyle, but to me, it is an unhealthy way of living with unnecessary expenditures. Therefore, flex culture is very insalubrious and causes young people to have obsessive behaviours of wanting to live profligately.

Developing own identities also causes an obsession with fame and imitating celebrities because celebrities give us an idea of what kind of self-identity we would want such as Kendall Jenner who leads a glamorous lifestyle, influencing youths to believe that they would enjoy her type of lifestyle and would want to copy he in terms of appearance and dressing. Therefore, young people are very preoccupied with becoming like the celebrities they look up to in the process of developing their identities because when they resemble these celebrities, they feel more popular and secure about their identities.

In conclusion, the obsession with fame and imitating celebrities is ridiculous as any normal person would not be able to afford such types of lifestyles. With social media, flex culture and developing one’s own identity as major culprits, young people are very much at risk of falling into the trap of being caught up in such unhealthy pursuits. Therefore, we as youths should not follow these outlandish lives and instead create our own and live our lives our way to the fullest.

Written by: Kiran G. (Secondary 3)

Which Features Of Singapore And Its Citizens Make It A Major Tourist Attraction For People From All Over The World?

Which features of Singapore and its citizens make it a major tourist attraction for people from all over the world?

Singapore, also known as the “Garden City“, is one of the most culturally diverse and economically strong countries in the world. When tourists arrive at Singapore, the first thought is almost always “Why is it so humid in this country? It is like standing in a furnace!“ Well, this is because of Singapore‘s tropical climate. Yet even with Singapore‘s suffocating weather, what makes it such an appealing place for tourists to come to, and what makes it such a popular tourist spot?

One of the reasons why tourists come to Singapore is because of Singapore‘s food. Singapore is known as a food paradise because of the many different types of cuisines available. Due to Singapore‘s diverse society comprising people of different nationalities, races and backgrounds living in Singapore, it is only natural for Singapore to be home to a gastronomic spread representing the different cultures. Some examples are the Hainanese chicken rice, the Indian Rojak, comprising a variety of fried dough balls and assortments, as well as Nasi Goreng, which is Malay fried rice. Many dishes in Singapore revolve around noodles and rice, and tourists usually come from countries where rice and noodles are not staples, or who have not experienced such ways of cooking these staples. That is why when they come to Singapore and eat fried rice or chicken rice, it is a virgin experience for them and feels heavenly. It is no surprise that many people come back to Singapore just for our delicious food, because many countries may not have such foods readily available or taste as authentic.

One other reason why tourists come to Singapore is because of Singapore‘s beautiful and unique attractions. Some examples are the Esplanade, which looks like a ball with spikes on it, resembling a durian, the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, which looks like three buildings with a canoe on top and finally, Resorts World Sentosa, boasting of an array of activities such as theme parks or magic shows for tourists’ enjoyment. Singapore is also very innovative when it comes to creating interesting attractions, such as our Gardens by the Bay, which showcases a beautiful and almost mystical landscape of flora and tree-like structures in the middle of the bustling city area, featuring two airconditioned enclosed gardens for one’s viewing and strolling pleasures. Singapore‘s attractions may not be as grand as other countries’, however, tourists from all over the world still come here to look at these fascinating places and experience these once in a while as these may be unique experiences different from what are available in their home countries.

Lastly but most importantly, tourists come to Singapore because of our people. In Singapore, we are very used to living with other of different races or religions, hence we are very confortable with interacting with people who are different from us. People living in Singapore usually have a homely and warm attitude towards visitors. When tourists asked for directions or assistance, Singaporeans will respond warmly and guide them towards their destinations, often making suggestions about where they could visit in the vicinity. Singapore also boasts of an impeccable service industry, which visitors to our country experience right from the flight they might take and upon arrival at our airport, which is clean, relaxing and spotless.

All in all, Singapore is a midget in size but a giant in hospitality for people from all over the world because of all aspects of Singapore, be it good food, unique attractions and warm people. With a balance of all three, Singapore is able to attract tourists by leaving a memorable impression on people’s minds through enjoyable experienes. Everyone should visit Singapore at lease once in their lifetimes to experience our unique and amazing Garden City.

Written by: Leng Song Q. (Secondary 4)

You Learn More From Failure Than From Success

You learn more from failure than from success. How far do you agree with this statement?

As a wise man once said, “failure is the first step to success“. Not everything in life will go as smoothly as one hopes; there will definitely be ups and downs. However, the most important part is what you make of failure. Failure may drag you down but also may be the turning point of your life. Personally, I agree to a large extent that we learn more from failure than from success.

It is no surprise that failure stumbles upon us often in life since we are not always perfect or accurate in our undertakings. Therefore, the least we can do about failure is learning from it. Failure allows us to know what went wrong and what the causes of failure were. By understanding the elements that led us to failure, we can simply avoid them the next time or modify our processes so we do not make the same mistakes again, releasing the weight that is pulling us down from reaching success. Like in a video game, when we get defeated by a monster, we analyse the situation and realise we might have used the wrong skill or approached too close to it, and remember not to do the same thing again. Failing teaches us the valuable lesson of making mistakes and avoiding them in the future, helping us learn the right steps thus bringing us closer to success.

Failure also teaches a person to be more open-minded to the world of possibilities. When one fails, it is not only important to know what went wrong, but also what is next. Failing gives a person the opportunity to explore other ways to make it right. Alternative solutions or even unique methods may lead us into success. Back to the video game example, we may explore using a magic cast or a bow and arrow instead to subdue the monster. Therefore, failure allows you to take a step back and strategise your way back to success, inspiring a person to think more innovatively, thus learning to be more open-minded and creative.

Nonetheless, some say failure often demoralises is a person, make success more out of reach, which means only success will lead to more success. Actually, it depends on individuals’ perspectives. Failure can actually become a form of motivation. Failure usually causes one to crave for success even more, which plays an important role in pushing us to attain success. Failure allows you to set a clearer goal and teaches you how cold and hard failure is, thus spurring a person to seek success even more.

In conclusion, failure is not the end, but a pathway to success. Therefore, do not be disheartened when failure comes your way. In fact, you should treasure and take the opportunity to analyse and learn so that you grow from rock bottom. With the right mindset, we will learn more from failure than from success in the long run.

Written by: Nexus L. (Secondary 4)

You Learn More From Failure Than From Success

You learn more from failure than from success. How far do you agree with this statement?

A famous saying goes ‘A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.’ As we go about in our daily lives, there are bound to be challenges and the results of these challenges are either success or failure. Not all things that we carry out will be successful. Yet, regardless of the results, we will learn something. However, do we learn more from failure than from success? I agree to a large extent that we do.

Failures contain signposts that inform us where we went wrong. When we fail, the experience prompts us to rethink our procedures and figure out the reasons that we were not able to obtain the ideal results. For example, if we attempt to bake bread and it comes out of the oven hard and chewy, it is not ideal. From there, we re-examine our baking steps and ingredients to discover what might have caused the bread to be hard. If we realise that too much flour was used for dusting during kneading of the dough, we learn to reduce the amount of dusting flour and not commit the same mistake again. Therefore, we learn about the areas where we went wrong or which require improvement when we experience failures, which impress on us to not make the same mistakes again, whereas success may not necessarily show us such areas for improvement. Therefore, we tend to learn more from our mistakes than successes, which would steadily bringing us closer to our ideal outcomes.

Failure teaches us to perseverance and instils in us the motivation to learn how to do things right. Nobody likes or is proud of something that we did not complete or did badly. A desire to meet certain preset targets and goals which we failed to attain gives us the motivation to obtain success in whatever we are trying to achieve. For example, if I had wanted to make it into the basketball team but did not manage to, the wish to make it in would spur me to make it in the next time. I would learn from the previous tryout and use a different approach or training regime to prepare myself. I would persevere and keep an open mind, work on achieving my goals and finally I would succeed. This can apply to any scenarios for anyone who have experienced failure. With the right mentality, we learn to not give up, have endurance and stay focussed through failing.

However, success allows us to learn to do the right things better. For example, Apple’s first iPhone was a major success. From the success obtained, Apple knew that the iPhone was the direction in which the company could go for greater success. Since then, many iPhones have been released, each containing more and better functions modified from previous versions. Learning to keep what is successful and improve on it surely leads to greater success. That being said, when there is success, the satisfaction may lead to inertia to change. An example relating to mobile phones is the BlackBerry, also a mobile phone brand. Before Apple ruled the phone industry, BlackBerry was the most successful, with their products being popular and selling well. However, instead of improving and upgrading their products, the company felt that the phone was good enough and did not require any adjustments and was slowly replaced by the increasingly popular iPhone. It can be seen that success may not inspire as much as failure may motivate.

In conclusion, failure should not be perceived as a dead end as there is more to learn from it than from success, from changing of ways to changing of mindsets and developing values. With the right motivated mentality, we can learn more from failure in life. Yet regardless of success or failure, one should not stop but always find ways to improve ourselves.

Written by: Zeyer L. (Secondary 4)

The World Would Be A Dull Place Without Music

The world would be a dull place without music. What are your views?

While some people may argue that music and the arts in general are useless because they do not contribute to our economy, they do not see that music actually plays a very important role behind the scenes. Without music, where would our national anthems or a catchy birthday songs come from? We may not realise it, but these songs are actually playing a big role in making sure that our lives are not dull. It is because people are too used to having music that they take for granted it exists in our daily lives. Therefore, I do agree that the world would be a very dull place without music.

One role that music plays in society is actually very basic – to enhance our visual experiences. Imagine watching television or playing video games, however, there is no music playing in the background. It would feel like we are watching one of those vintage black-and-white television shows or silent movies, even with top quality graphics. Music helps to heighten our emotions when watching a movie or even playing a simple video game. When you are watching a horror movie, the dramatic music creates suspense and heightens the feeling of horror, contributing to the sense of dread or unknown, which causes us to feel more and makes the show more gripping. While playing video games such as “Pokemon”, the lively music and sound effects make us feel like we are actually in the virtual world together with the characters, engaging us in endless hours of fun and enjoyment. That is how much music contributes to heightening our moods and enhancing our experiences in entertainment.

Music is also vital to some people for enhancing productivity, be it studying or working. Research has shown that music creates a conducive environment for people to focus by stimulating their brains and relaxing their minds. One interesting piece of research even advocates the listening of famous composer Mozart’s music when doing mathematics to enhance performance! Personally, I do find it easier to do mathematics problems when classical music is being played in the background. It also extends my attention span as I do not have to work in silence, which can bore me till I sleep. I am sure that this is the case for most people as well. Music thus plays an important part in our lives to keep our brains and minds relaxed yet focused.

Finally, music can bring people together and also boost community spirit, which helps us to feel a sense of identity and belonging. For example, in Singapore we have performers going to every nook and cranny in the country to perform lion or dragon dances during Chinese New Year. During these festive performances, people of all races and religions will gather below their apartments to enjoy the performances and lively music. This creates a sense of togetherness as we gather as a community and interact with one another, instead of staying at home by ourselves and feeling lonely. While at a music concert, it is not uncommon for fans of the same band to resonate with one another when the band plays a certain song and stir in them the same emotions. Some close friendships form in such settings. Thus, it can be said that music effectively brings people together and instill a sense of unity, on top of being an enjoyable thing.

All in all, music indeed works behind the scenes to make sure our lives are not dull, but meaningful and vibrant. Music is something everyone should experience, be it at the movies, while doing work or during communal or recreational events. It functions not only as a form of relaxation and recreation, it can also help us feel much more enthusiastic about life, giving a boost to our morale and bringing people from all walks together. Everyone should listen to some music once in a while and discover how it can change one’s life.

Written by: Leng Song Q. (Secondary 4)

The Way We Speak Reveals A Lot About Us

The way we speak reveals a lot about us. What are your views?

Have you ever tried focussing on listening to a friend and realised how much he had revealed about himself? More often than not, people often reveal much about their lifestyle, personality and upbringing through the way they speak. Personally, I have judged many people based on the way they speak, and most of the time my conclusions are accurate. It is therefore my belief that the way we speak reveals a lot about us.

How we speak actually reveals our upbringing and how refined we are or otherwise. For example, in Singapore, we are used to hearing local profanities or slangs. However, if a person uses them extensively, you will be able to tell that that person has been brought up in a more uncouth environment, where such works are condoned. In contrast, a person brought up in a more refined environment will watch what he or she says more carefully, ensuring that he or she does not make a bad impression and is always appropriate. Therefore, based on the environment people are brought up in, their speech patterns will differ accordingly and divulge their family background.

The way we speak can also reveal our personalities. For example, if a person does not speak a lot, we are able to tell that he is an introvert. If a person reacts with negative opinions to jokes, we are able to tell how serious of a person he is. If a person keeps bragging about his feats, we are able to identify how self-centred he is. Through the different ways and different things people communicate about, we can get to know more about them as a person, their opinions and their outlooks.

However, one may argue that the way we speak can differ with the situation and circumstance. Different situations require different speech patterns. For example, when you go to a posh restaurant, you are expected to speak politely in standard versions of the language. Yet a less formal setting, like at a food centre, we normally use the colloquial versions of the language. That being said, the way we use languages in our individual daily conversations will still show our personalities. For example, an extrovert will be extroverted regardless of the language he uses.

All in all, the way we speak definitely shows what kind of a person we are, because it reveals our personalities, how outgoing we are and our thought processes. From casual conversations to formal presentations, our choice of words and our tone and style can surely reveal more about us than we imagine.

Written by: Leng Song Q. (Secondary 4)

Availability Of Information On The Web Is Doing More Harm Than Good

The availability of information on the web is doing more harm than good. Do you agree?

Did you know that every minute, 380 websites are created, which means 547000 every day? It is mind blowing how fast the world wide web is expanding. There is undoubtedly all the necessary information you need that can be found, but the web is so vast that there is surely some information that may not be true or safe, posing as potential harm to users. Hence, does the availability of information on the web do more harm than good? Personally, I believe the availability of information on the web is more beneficial than it is harmful.

The availability of the information on the web is beneficial to us as it provides us with convenient and accessible information whenever we need them. For example, in the present, if we happen to be in a situation where a history project is due the next day, we can simply open a search engine on our phones or computers and look for all the information necessary to complete this project, whereas in the past, people would be required to visit a library and thoroughly search countless books to obtain the necessary information. Research materials and valuable resources are drastically much easier to obtain now due to the accessibility of information on the web, making information gathering much easier. Hence, the availability of information on the web provides us with convenient and accessible content at our fingertips.

The availability of information also provides us with different sources to evaluate the information better. The extensive amount of web information allows us to discern their reliability, ensuring that the content we get is accurate and true. For example, I had a geography assignment where we had to research on the number of tourists who visited Singapore the previous year. On the web, multiple articles cite this information. The first stated five million while the second source stated six million. As the figures do not tally, I looked up more sources to verify which was the correct statistics. Hence, by evaluating information available on multiple websites, the most accurate and reliable information can be obtained. Thus, the availability of information on the web allows us to obtain information that is more accurate.

However, information on the web includes “bad“ information. Such bad information includes biased articles, information on radical gangs or cults as well as fake information. These may influence and brainwash certain user groups, such as the more gullible or the less informed. For example, there are information and articles on the web about terrorist groups such as ISIS. When gullible or ignorant people obtain such content, they may be deceived into supporting them. Hence, the availability of information may cause adverse actions by those vulnerable, ignorant or gullible masses.

While many people say that there are lots of adverse information on the web, and thus makes it unreliable, the truth is, there are numerous sources to validate the reliability of information. When the information that the source provides seems suspicious or seems too good to be true, simply use other sources of information to validate if it supports the initial information. With the extensive amount of information available, we would be able to assess the reliability of information, thus eliminate the harmful effects of the web.

The web is vast and there is always danger no matter how useful we think it is. Little danger does not mean no danger. Personally, if we are able to surf the web responsibly and always be alert, the web will not do more harm than good. The availability of information on the web undoubtedly benefits us in modern society. Just simply keep a lookout and the web will provide us with all the benefits it has to offer.

Written by: Zeyer L. (Secondary 4)

Availability Of Information On The Web Is Doing More Harm Than Good

The availability of information on the web is doing more harm than good. Do you agree?

The internet, the smartest entity in the universe, is flooded with websites containing extensive information about the world. From cute cats to quantum theory, there is an unlimited amount of information available on any subject, as long as you have the ability to process it. While certain information may be full of flaws and thus dangerous, the web has its benefits too. In my opinion, the availability of information on the web is doing more good than harm.

Information on the web allows people to organise their lives and helps in decision-making. Some content on the web assist people in drawing better conclusions by laying out facts, reviews and ratings, such as Trivago and Eatigo, websites with user input and feedback that provide potential customers with actual customer reviews. Potential customers can read such reviews and have a better idea what to expect should they decide to purchase those goods or services, thus make better choices that best suit their needs. Other useful information such as weather forecasts can help people be more organised with their lives. For example, prior to organising outdoor events, one could first check the weather forecast to decide if such plans could be carried out, thus preventing unnecessary disappointments due to weather changes. For countries such as Japan, which are prone to natural disasters such as typhoons, forecast information that are provided on the web by meteorological stations can help people prepare for such events and take the necessary actions before natural disasters strike, thus are invaluable.

The web also contains extensive answers to many of our questions. If we are curious or need to learn about something, we can always search it up easily with a click of the mouse from the comfort of our own homes. It is a fact that information on the web makes researching easier for students and adults alike. Not only for learning purposes, information on the web can also providing interesting and unique facts that broaden our minds and perspctives, developing us into well-informed citizens of the world.

However, information on the web may be harmful too. The web is so vast that it contains all sorts of things, some of which are the dark webs, scams and fake news. These harmful items surely cause disruption and misunderstandings in our daily lives. Scams cause people to lose huge sums of money. Dark webs and fake news cause people to do the wrong things which inevitably cause harm to themselves or their loved ones. Thus, one cannot deny that the web may be more harmful than it is beneficial. That being said, the benefits web information outweighs the harmful effects, that even if there exist untruths or fake information, there also exist authentic sources that can counter the former and reveal the truth to information users.

To sum up, the web indeed contains a lot of information, which can be good but also has its harm. It is up to us to tell the right from the wrong, the truth from the false, and discern information with prudence and wisdom.

Written by: Nexus L. (Secondary 4)